Step-by-step guide on how to organise a virtual team-building activity

3 min readMar 1, 2021


Participating in a virtual team-building activity to celebrate team-bond sounds exciting, but sometimes companies give up the idea because they feel confused about how the process works. This is what we do every day here at Jurnee so we would like to share some tips with you since everyone deserves some team bonding — especially now!

Step 1- know your options

Due to the current situation, it is almost impossible to meet with colleagues (and people in general) in person.

Luckily, we live in a digital world where everything can be done virtually, and events too!
There is a wide variety of virtual activities that are perfect for team-building, they can go from creative ones such virtual art class to more relaxing ones such as yoga class. Some of our favourites are: virtual escape games, remote cocktail class and virtual cooking class.

If you’re already comfortable with your team, know each other well and you just want to chill with them, we would recommend a virtual cooking or cocktail class — this way you can learn new skills and have casual conversations with the team. However, if your goal is to get to know your team more, you can choose a virtual escape game where there is more interaction and strategic communication among the participants. And you can of course have a few drinks after the activity to boost more informal conversation!

Step 2- how to make it happen

Once you know what you would like to do, how do you actually organise it?

You can either choose to do it on your own — this means sourcing the right person to do the activity, handling all the logistics and communication, etc. It is definitely doable but it can be very time-consuming if you are not used to it.

Or you can find a partner to handle everything for you — in this case, it is really about finding someone that will understand what you are looking for and will be able to offer that service at a reasonable price.

(We’ve published some info on what types of prices to expect in a past infographics in case you are looking for some benchmark)

Step 3- enjoying the event

Finally the day of the event! At this point, you just need to take care of the last-minute things and make sure that everything runs smoothly. Make sure to enjoy the activity as well even if you are the one organising it and maybe take a few pictures to remember your get-together 😉

Some good practices for event wrap-up are sharing these pictures and getting some feedback from the participants to see how they feel about the activity. It’s best to develop down the line a long-term strategy so you can plan regular casual time with your super team to keep motivation up!

We hope this helps and that you are on track to planning your next virtual event! And if you want to hear from a team that ran their first virtual event amazingly, here is a glimpse into how they went about it. 🔥

Jurnee is a start-up helping companies organise their team-building activities without the hassle. We curate only the best activities, handle the logistics for you, with no hidden costs.

